

8th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2023), May 2023 (Poland: Łódź); title of the talk: „Propositions and non-doxastic attitude reports”

6th Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference (PLM 6),  September 2022 (Poland: Warsaw), title of the talk: „Propositions and non-doxastic attitude reports” (joint work with Katarzyna Kuś and Bartosz Maćkiewicz)

3rd Joint Meeting of the Society for Philosophy & Psychology and European Society for Philosophy & Psychology ((E)SPP 3), July 2022 (Italy: Milan); poster: „Attitude ascriptions and semantic meaning: an experimental approach” (joint work with K. Kuś, and B. Maćkiewicz)

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 2 (ELM 2),  May 2022, University of Philadelphia; short talk: „Non-Doxastic Attitude Ascriptions and Meaning” (joint work with K. Kuś, and B. Maćkiewicz)

3rd Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning (TLLM 3), March/April 2022 (online workshop organized by the Tsinghua University-University of Amsterdam Joint Research Center for Logic); talk: ”Demonstratives as anaphora – a dynamic approach”

10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 10), August 2020, Utrecht (online event); talk: ”Towards Semantic Theory of Complex Demonstratives”

5th Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference (PLM 2019), St Andrews (Great Britain), August 2019; title of the talk: ”Against Intentionalism – experimental study on demonstrative reference”  (joint work with Katarzyna Kuś and Bartosz Maćkiewicz)

6th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics PhiLang 2019), May 2019 (Poland: Łódź); talk: ”Demonstrative Reference in the Experimental Perspective” (with K. Kuś, and B. Maćkiewicz)

4th PLM Master Class with Angelika Kratzer, Salzburg (Austria), October 2018; title of the talk: „Problematic Semantics of Non-Doxastic Attitude Verbs”

Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2016 (Sophia 2016), Salzburg (Austria), September 2016; title of the talk: “Attitude ascriptions, substitutivity, and descriptions”

Warsaw Workshop in Philosophy of Language: Logic and Meaning, May 2016 (Poland: Warsaw), title of the talk: “Conditionals and content connection – an experimental study” (co-authored with Natalia Pietrulewicz and Marcin Będkowski)

Topics in Philosophy of Language, April 2016 (Poland: Warsaw), title of the talk: “Experimental research on connectives in natural language” (co-authored with Natalia Pietrulewicz)

23th Annual Meeting of European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP 2015), July 2015, (Estonia: Tartu); talk: “Towards contextualist theory of logical connectives in natural languages” (co-authored with Natalia Pietrulewicz and Marcin Będkowski)

Names, Demonstratives, and Expressives, September 2014 (Italy: Gargnano); talk: “Attributive names, misnaming and misdescription”

8th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 8), August-September 2014, (Bucharest, Romania); talk: “Descriptions, quantificational account, and truth-theoretic semantics”

3rd International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang2013), May 2013, (Poland: Łódź);  talk: “Free logical theory of definite descriptions”